Discussion of Orbital Precession due to a Fluid Spacetime (vacuum or aether)

Many thanks to the Co Ppresident of AIAS, Dr. Gareth Evans, who has known my work continuously since 1974, when he became my first Ph. D. student (more accurately Mansel Davies’s student, who left the supervision to me). GJE is a distinguished scientist in his own right, a member of national committees, and works for Ceredigion County Council. He is the author of about one hundred an thirty scientific papers and books.

To: EMyrone@aol.com
Sent: 28/11/2016 17:49:37 GMT Standard Time
Subj: Re: Orbital Precession due to a Fluid Spacetime (vacuum or aether)

The self consistency is wonderful. Science at its very best – a fine art.

Sent from my Samsung device

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