Accurate Manual Calculation of my h and g index. h = 33 g = 68

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 12:55 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Accurate Manual Calculation of my h and g index. h = 33 g = 68

The final result is h = 33, g = 68. This is enough for considerable funding. I added up the citations for my top eighty publications, the total is 4910. For my total of a thousand publications or so it would be about 6,000 in round figures, at a very conservative estimate. The cut for the top 1% of physicists is 2073 citations, which places me in the top 0.1% or so in round figures. A full professorship is awarded for an h index of about 18. In comparison, a survey of h and g indices was carried out recently by M. Schreiber, “An Empirical Investigation of the the g Index for 26 Physicists compared with the h index…..” for 26 physicists at Chemnitz Technical University. This article is available on the net in full. The results were on average h = 14.9 and g = 24.0. These ranged from assistant to full professor. My h index and g index are much higher than most Fellows of the Royal Society. The g index is much more representative in my case because of an immensely long tail of well above average cited publications. The h cut occurs at publication number 33 out of a thousand publications. The g cut occurs at publication number 68 out of a thousand. The use of h and g is completely standard for all scientists. All ECE papers and most of my other papers and books are on google scholar. This is all very pleasing, but pales in comparison with the massive impact of ECE as measured by my unique database. The latter is far more significant than the h and g indices. On an intellectual level one cannot reduce forty years of work to numbers. The work is measured by the huge international interest in it. So these figures may help the reader to understand why I was appointed to the Civil List in 2005, with further national honours in 2008 (my coat of arms).

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