412(1): Calculation of the Angular Frequency of Frame Rotation for the Earth

412(1): Calculation of the Angular Frequency of Frame Rotation for the Earth

The new equation (1) is derived on the fundamental principle that a relativistic theory must reduce to a classical limit. This equation gives the angular velocity of frame rotation (omega sub 1) in terms of known orbital parameters, and omega sub 1 is worked out for the Earth. It is shown that omega sub 1 is much less than omega, the orbital angular frequency of the earth. The new ECE2 covariant frame rotation theory gives a satisfactory agreement with the experimental data bearing in mind that the experimental non Newtonian precession is 2290 times smaller than the actually observed experimental precession. Eq. (26) gives a simple and powerful relation between omega sub 1 and omega. It is impossible to think of a worse place to test a precession theory than the solar system, because of the huge complications introduced by the effects of other objects. So in the next note the clean S2 star system will be analyzed with the new equation (3), which shows that the calculations and methods of UFT410 are correct and rigorously self consistent. Major progress away from the standard model is being made at a rapid pace. Those dogmatists who still adhere to the Einstein theory are either unaware of the total of almost a hundred refutations in the UFT series alone, or are deliberately ignoring the huge interest in ECE2 theory and all the refutations. This intellectual dishonesty does a great deal of harm to science. However some enlightened astronomers have recently rejected the Einstein theory entirely using the data from the S2 star and similar stars. There are now two entirely different schools of thought in physics: the obsolete standard model and ECE and ECE2. My friend and co author of "The Enigmatic Photon", the late Jean – Pierre Vigier, always said that physics must be a rational discussion based on Periclean Athens. Vigier was invited by Albert Einstein to be his assistant at Princeton, but was not allowed an entry visa because of his left wing views. Vigier was a Member of the Legion d’Honneur, France’s highest honour. Einstein then appointed John Wheeler to be his assistant. Probably on Vigier’s recommendation I have been nominated a few times for a Nobel Prize for B(3), which Vigier accepted immediately in 1993 because B(3) proved photon mass. This was Vigier’s life work. He held a doctorate from the University of Geneva. Photon mass was proposed by Poincare in 1905, and developed by de Broglie and others. Vigier worked for de Broglie for many years after being sacked for opposing the French atomic bomb.


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