The New Understanding of Orbital Precession

The force needed for any planar orbit to precess is:

F = x squared F0

x = 1 + 3MG / (c squared alpha)

Here alpha is the half right latitude, M the mass attracting a mass m in orbit, G the Newton constant and c the vacuum speed of light. The force F0 was first given by von Leibniz in 1689 in “Tantanem de Motuum Coelestium Causis”. It is defined by

F0 = m d2r / dt squared = – mMG / r squared + L squared / (m r cubed)

where L is the total angular momentum, a constant of motion. We have

alpha = L squared / (m squared M G)


F0 = – mMG / r squared + alpha mMG / r cubed

The force F0 produces the conical section

r = alpha / (1 + eps cos theta)

while F produces the precessing conical section

r = alpha / (1 + eps cos (x theta))

where eps is the eccentricity. It appears that x is the same in all observable precessions to high precision (telescope and satellite observations and so on). This is true inside and outside the solar system. The observed x cannot be obtained from the Einstein field equation, now widely known to be incorrect dogma, and not Baconian science. The x theory is based directly on the astronomical data and also produces light deflection due to gravitation, the gravitational time delay, the photon velocity at closest approach and the photon mass. The Einsteinian dogma incorrectly asserts that the photon mass is identically zero, and that light always travels at c. Photon mass was first suggested by Poincare in July 1905. The gross error found in the Einstein theory in UFT246 means that the entire edifice of standard physics collapses. The 246 UFT papers to date have rethought the subject completely.

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