Relativistic Quantum m Theory

Relativistic Quantum m Theory
OK thanks, m(r1) is taken outside the bracket in Eq. (22) to give gamma = (m(r1)) power minus half A, where A is (1 – (v1/c) squared / m(r1)) power minus half, then take the limit v1 << c. So Eq. (33) should be m(r1) power half. I will rewrite the note and post a final version with all consequential typo’s corrected. The aim is to get to the point at which the effect of m(r) on fine structure can be computed. It should be possible to compute the Lamb shift using this method.

Relativistic Quantum m Theory
To: Myron Evans <myronevans123>

I do not understand how eq.(32) was derived. What did you do with the
m(r1) in the gamma factor?


Am 12.01.2019 um 12:59 schrieb Myron Evans:
> This is the first note on the relativistic quantum m theory. I will
> break off now and write UFT427 on the Hamilton Jacobi m theory and
> UFT428 on quantization of m theory..

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