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Home » Table of differences between the standard model and ECE

Table of differences between the standard model and ECE

ECE Standard Model
All fields are objective, causal and generally covariant in both classical and quantum manifestations.
Only gravity is generally covariant, causal and objective and only in its classical limit
Torsion is considered
Neglects torsion
Quantum mechanics is objective and causal, just like gravity Quantum mechanics and gravity cannot be unified.
Electrodynamics and gravity are two geometrical aspects of space-time, the former being torsion- and the latter curvature. Electrodynamics and gravity are philosophically different.
No concepts, which have been disproven experimentally, are used. For example, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, strings, superstrings, Higgs mechanism, renormalization, asymptotic freedom, spontaneous symmetry breaking, dark matter, singularities such as the Big Bang and black hole theory and abstract internal space of Yang Mills gauge theory. Several concepts which are experimentally unproven and/or do not exist in relativity theory.
Quantum electrodynamics is developed from simultanous ECE wave equations and is generally covariant objective and causal.
Hugely over-elaborate and contains adjustable parameters.
All the wave equations are generally covariant, are derived from the tetrad postulate of geometry, and all are objective and causal.Wave equations of physics such as the Dirac and Proca equations are postulates of special relativity unrelated to geometry, objectivity and causality
Photon mass and the Proca equation are derived geometricallyPhoton mass is asserted to be zero, causing problems of several kinds
Inter-relation of fields is geometrical and can be developed relatively easily.
The inter-relation of fields cannot be developed.
Derives all of physics geometrically from two basic postulates
Cannot describe all of physics geometrically
No assumptions are made regarding virtual photons or virtual electron-positron pairs. Is rigorously consistent with causality and general relativity. QED assumes existence of virtual photons and virtual electron-positron pairs. These cannot be observed and violate special relativity and causality.
Derives the Lamb shift for all orbitals of all atoms and molecules in terms of the Evans-Eckardt radius (which is a new characteristic parameter of atoms and molecules). In addition, no claims of precision are made. Claims of precision have been shown to be false in paper 85.
No removal of infinities Removal of infinities in QED results in an artificial change in the mass and charge of the electron
Calculation of Lamb shift for Hydrogen is exact.
Bethe calculation of the Lamb shift of Hydrogen relied on peturbation theory (i.e. approximation)
No renormalization is used so the g factor is much more straightforwardly calculated. There are no infinities in the ECE method and it is general enough to be applied to all atoms and molecules.
The g factor of the electron is ascibed to a convergent vertex on QED because renormalization is used.


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