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CERN Heavy Hadron Collider

In response to correspondence regarding this article :

I am deeply sceptical of these claims, so is the whole of the ECE group of scientists and the ECE School worldwide. The ECE theory can be used fairly straightforwardly to explain any really new result coming from this collider. The forty year old standard model has already been made obsolete by teh five year old ECE theory, before these results even come on line. The basic flaws in the standrd model include the following.

  1. In its gravitational sector it is now known that the EH equation is fundamentally self-inconsistent, as in my previous note and papers 93 to 109 on
  2. In its electrodynamical sector the standard model still uses gauge theory, and still uses a U(1) gauge invariant symmetry. There are many fundamental flaws in a U(1) symmetry gauge theory, as set out for example in a standard model text such as Ryder, "Quantum Field Theory", and in my Omnia Opera from 1992 to present.
  3. The old standard model does not recognize the existence of the fundamental B(3) spin field of ECE theory, now widely accepted by the ECE scientists.
  4. The electroweak sector of the old standard model is special relativity, not general relativity as required. The idea of the Higgs boson is based on this sector. It has been shown that QED and QCD of the old standard model is in reality a kind of curve fitting exercise, much simpler and stronger explanations of the radiative corrections exist in ECE theory.
  5. The Higgs boson has no well defined energy, any unusual event at the large hadron collider could be used to claim the existence of the Higgs boson. So we must be alert to such anthropomorphic claims and criticise them as they are made.
  6. There is no unified field theory of the old standard model for these reasons and many others ( The ECE unified field theory is generally covariant in all sectors as required by objectivity, which is represented by Cartan's geometry.
  7. The old standard model still uses the Bohr Heisenberg indeterminacy, which has been proven experimentally by the Croca group at the Univ of Lisbon to be wildly incorrect. As first shown experiemntally thirty years ago by Sir John Thomas's group of chemists, atoms and moelcules can be seen clearly by electron microscopy (see "Crystal Spheres" by Kerry Pendergast on For this reason the old standard model cannot unify relativity and quantum mechanics. ECE does this straightforwardly using geometry.

So ten thouand million dollars spent in this very obscure way, at a time when research is urgently needed into new energy, is not sustainable. Furthermore the old standard model protagonists cannot tolerate progress, they prefer to try to censor progress, as anyone following this discussion group knows very clearly.

British Civil List Scientist
cc Prime Minister's Office and Welsh Assembly
Posted: 11 April 2008

The Scientific Skeptic

The billion experiment

Catherine Holloway

Science Columnist

Over the course of the coming summer, while most of us are at home or working at our summer jobs, the world's most expensive physics experiment will begin.

Buried beneath France and Switzerland is a 27-km long circular tunnel that houses two proton beams within a superconducting magnet. It's known as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the LHC has been under construction since 1995. The cost of this new experimental equipment has already gone over its expected budget, skyrocketing from an initial cost of .5 billion (CND) to an estimated total cost of -10 billion.

The LHC is designed to give protons a lot of energy by accelerating them through very powerful magnets and then smashing them together. A photon is a kind of hadron - a subatomic particle. Physicists hope that one of the particles found in the wreckage of this collision will be the Higgs Boson, an elusive particle predicted by the Standard Model of physics, but not yet empirically observed.

The Standard Model of physics is a list of all the possible subatomic particles in our universe, such as quarks and leptons, and the things that make up hadrons, atoms, molecules, etc. It also says that the fundamental forces of our universe, such as electromagnetic forces, and the forces that hold atoms together are controlled by force-mediating particles. Just as photons control electromagnetism, the Higgs Boson is a theoretical particle that mediates gravity.

The Higgs Boson might be the origin of mass, and the reason why we all exist today. Without mass, the particles that make up our universe would not have clumped together after the big bang. Without mass, the debris from our sun would not have formed our planet.

If physicists find the Higgs Boson, it will confirm the Standard Model and at last provide a Grand Unified Theory, or a model that explains everything in our universe.

Leon Lederman, a Nobel-prize winning scientist, named the Higgs Boson the 'God Particle.' This often leads to the confusion that the LHC experiments will confirm or disprove the existence of God. Many media agencies, when covering the LHC experiments, often bring up theology and ask the scientists at CERN to talk about their religious beliefs. The Higgs Boson is called the God Particle for its importance to physics, not because it is believed to be God.

Another misconception is that the LHC experiments will cause the end of the world. Many media agencies also like to say that the LHC experiments could create a black hole. The truth is that the creation of a black hole is extremely unlikely, and even if it did happen, the black holes would be so small that they would immediately evaporate due to Hawking radiation. This explanation hasn't assuaged everyone's fears, though, and a lawsuit has been filed in Hawaii, attempting to delay any activity at the LHC.

The LHC experiments will be revolutionary, but they come with an enormous price tag. Even though the LHC is already complete, the amount of power required to keep it running is massive. CERN's money comes from the taxpayers of its signatory countries. Canada, though not a member of CERN, has contributed million to the LHC toward equipment and scientists' salaries. This money comes from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, which is funded by taxpayers.

Is it really a practical breakdown of science funding to spend so much money on an experiment, though revolutionary, that will not have much of an impact on taxpayers' lives? Perhaps we should be spending more money on medical research and research on renewable energy technology and leave the high-energy physics experiments for an era in which they are more cost-effective. Only the experiment's results can help determine that.

The LHC is in its testing stages right now. By June it will be cooling down and ready for its first experiments. If it fails to uncover the Higgs Boson, CERN will likely loose credibility and physicists will have to go back to the drawing board. If it does succeed, the next few years will likely witness a revolution in physics comparable to the ones Einstein and Newton began in their day.


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