209(3): Coordinate System Definition and Explanation of the Velocity Curve

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Saturday, February 25, 2012 5:31 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: 209(3): Coordinate System Definition and Explanation of the Velocity Curve

This note defines the coordinate system used for the hyperbolic spiral of stars in a whirlpool galaxy and gives an explanation of the velocity curve, i.e. of the observation that the orbital velocity of a star becomes constant as r goes to infinity. The next note will deal with the general hyperbolic spiral

r = r0 / theta power n

It is very important to note that the dynamics being developed here are completely non Newtonian, a whirlpool galaxy is observed to be completely non Newtonian. The Einstein theory has been abandoned as incorrect, and also fails completely in a whirlpool galaxy as has been known for no less than fifty years. It is also very important to note that the spacetime torsion swirls a star out of the centre of the galaxy towards its edges, and that the angle theta increases wth time. Just think of a glass rod swirling liquid in a beaker. At point A in the attached figure a time interval tau has elapsed from the start of the dynamic process at the point O. It follows that the coordinate system must be defined as in the figure. This definition will be used in future notes to define the double whirlpool galaxy observed by the Hubble space telescope and to develop its dynamics. A long time ago Cotes used Newtonian dynamics to show that the orbit of a particle of mass m attracted to a particle of mass M by an inverse cube law is a hyperbolic spiral, but that is the opposite motion of the whirlpool galaxy. In the Cotes analysis the time starts at A and finishes at O.


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