Constant m Orbits

Constant m Orbits

These are defined by Eqs. (1) and (2) and when solved give a precessing orbit. In the particular case m = 1 they give the precessing orbits of special relativity. It would be very interesting to investigate the properties of the precession as M becomes infinite and the dark star is formed. I use Michel’s appellation "dark star" (1783). For different values of constant m the orbit departs more and more from special relativity because it is an orbit of generally covariant m theory. The complete orbit equations are Eqs. (7) and (8) of Note 438(1). It would be very interesting to investigate what happens to the orbit as M approaches infinity and the dark star is formed. It is already known that the complete orbit equations spark off new physics of many different kinds. In order not to waste the astronomical data on the fictitious "black holes" they can be reinterpreted in terms of the dark star and m theory. The unhealthy obsession or fixation on black holes is due to the fact that funding depends on finding them, even though they do not exist. The same type of idee fixe is present in the obsessions about the Higgs boson and gravitational radiation. This is the age hold habit of forcing nature into anthropomorphic preconceptions – the opposite of Baconian science.


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