Computation of photon mass by Horst Eckardt

This is another remarkable piece of work by Horst Eckardt, obtaining a self consistent value of photon mass from ordinary reflection and refraction. The graphics are most helpful as usual, and are done in three dimensions in colour. The photon mass is similar under these conditions to that obtained by light deflection from the sun.

Sent: 29/11/2014 15:45:32 GMT Standard Time
Subj: Calculation of photon mass

For omega = 1.e15 Hz the photon mass has been computed in dependence of
omega_1 and theta_3. The first solution is real only for angles theta_3
near to pi/2. Since theta_3 is the difference angle between incoming and
refracted beam, this region is not relevant (probably only for very
special cases of the imaginary part of epsilon).
The second solution shows a plateau in the range of omega_1 ~ omega of
about 0.8*e-35 kg. This is a reasonable value, in the range we obtained
from deflection of light at the sun. I think this is another milestone
of the theory.


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