Fitting the m Function to 1 – r0 / r

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Monday, July 18, 2011 4:20 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Fitting the m Function to 1 – r0 / r

It would be optimal if the m function could be fitted numerically and to machine precision to the function 1 – r0 / r, where

r0 = 2 MG / c squared

Here M is the mass of the sun, G is Newton’s constant and the speed of light. This could be done with a least mean squares fitting algorithm available in most computer packages. This method can be seen in my Algol code of the seventies, (code on using the Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) three variable least means squares package. If the logic of Cartan geometry is applied rigorously, the m function is the one that describes orbits. In the solar system, orbits are described in received opinion by 1 – r0 / r. The received opinion is essentially empirical, Schwarzschild did not derive this function and it seems to have been found by trial and error. In note 190(1) I will give the basic method starting with the infinitesimal line element and hamiltonian. The m function as described using a new universal constant R. So by fitting m to 1 – r0 / R the value of R can be found and m determined. The function 1 – r0 / r is known to produce precessing ellipses which reduce to ellipses in the correct limit, and to Newton’s dynamics. However, Newton’s dynamics are now due to the m function, not the Hooke / Newton inverse square law of attraction. This reasoning is another product of the post Einsteinian paradigm shift knwn as ECE theory, and is as big a leap of thought as the Einstein paradigm shift before it.

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