recent notes

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Monday, February 27, 2012 11:11 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: recent notes

Many thanks again for going through the notes critically. Agreed with omega0. I think that the second point is answered in note 209(5), where a double spiral is used as a simple model. In general an origin must be chosen so that the star motion in a galaxy is defined with respect to that origin, then r = f(theta(t)) found. Observation must of course be used to define the orbit, then anything can be considerd, leading, trailing, and combinations. However we must start form observation, and not from another probably failed theory such as that of dark matter.

In a message dated 27/02/2012 10:39:48 GMT Standard Time.

In note 209(4) a factor of omega0 seems to be missing in eqs. 17-18. In (18) the lhs should read v squared.

In note 209(3) you placed the coordinate origin to X= infinity. Wouldn’t it be easier and more plausible to reverse the time paramter by

t –> t0 – t

Then the right directions of motion should come out. However there is a problem with the square root in (7) then. The absolute value of t would have to be taken.


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