Archive for January, 2011

Paul Dirac’s Original Thinking

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Sunday, January 16, 2011 6:39 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Paul Dirac’s Original Thinking

This thinking was described by Paul Dirac to John B. Hart as in Kerry’s biography, with a photogaph of Dirac during a conference organized by Hart. It was based on Clifford algebra. For a change, there is a good wikipedia article on the Dirac equation as originally formulated. In my opinion negative energy and the Dirac sea is a non starter, and as the wiki article shows, was actually rejected by Dirac and contemporaries in the thirties. The chiral rep is the correct one to use, it eliminates negative energy, so I have been using it for some years. As can be seen on the foot of page 2 of the wiki article it was thought originally that one could use E = c root (p squared + (mc) squared) of the Einstein equation and use the usual quantum mechanical operator equivalents for E and p, expand in a series and iterate to a solution. Clearly, the negative root of E was never considered as meaningful, and it obviously is not, because negative energy or electron cascade have never been observed. Essentially, what Dirac did was to factorize the d’alembertian in terms of the 4 x 4 Dirac matrices in standard rep. That meant automatically that the wavefunction must be a column vector with four entries, all four of which pertain to the fermion. The Dirac matrices in chiral rep are different, but nonetheless give all that the standard rep gives, but without the artificial problem of negative energy. The Dirac matrices in standard rep are given in the wiki article on page 4. In my books and articles they are given in the modern chiral rep. I also derived the Dirac equation from geometry, but a more powerful one – Cartan geometry. I realized that thr Dirac spinor can be rearranged into a 2 x 2 matrix from a 1 x 4 column vector, and vice versa. The 2 x 2 matrix is a tetrad in SU(2) rep space. As described in page 8 of the wiki article the Dirac sea has been replaced by the Bogoliubov transformation and from the forties onwards by the method of QED (albeit to me, AND Feynman himself, very unsatisfactory). About a year or more ago I discovered (UFT 129 and 130) that the Dirac equation can be written as one chiral rep equation in 2 x 2 matrices in which negative energy is not a problem. I intend to develop this in UFT 172 giving complete details. Some of these have already been posted as notes for UFT 171. Chemists are taught the Dirac equation very vaguely as L + 2S and that’s that.

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Some Comments on Electric Power from Spacetime

Saturday, January 1st, 2011

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Saturday, January 01, 2011 4:10 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Some Comments on Electric Power from Spacetime

The Poynting theorem for this process is eq. (5) of note 170(2). The spacetime power is always present in any circuit, that is the key new inference. This is simply because the vacuum electric field strength is always present – the Lamb shift is always present, and interacts with the sources within the circuit, notably an electric current within the circuit. So the task has shifted to discerning the EXTRA effect of the vacuum electric field strength in volts per metre and amplifying that EXTRA effect. One very simple example is to use a very thin wire of low conductivity or high resistance. The latter maximizes the heat produced. The spacetime power in the wire is :

P = I (spacetime) squared / (area of wire multiplied by conductivity of wire)

Here I (spacetime) is fixed by the value of E (spacetime), commonly denoted E (vacuum), the quantity responsible for the Lamb shift. It should be easy now for electrical engineers to build on this key inference, the inference of the Poynting theorem due to the vacuum electric field strength. I am always prepared to do consultancy work for any corporation interested in this problem.

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